Thursday, June 21, 2012

Avengers Superhero Birthday

M and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary last month.  You know the saying “time flies when you’re having fun”?  Well, the past ten years have traveled at warp speed.  I know it’s not just because they’ve been fun, but because I’ve be fortunate enough to spend them with a man that I couldn’t love more.

Apparently he’s quite the little party planner as well.  Unbeknownst to me, he had secretly been planning an anniversary party for 2 months, a party that was actually a vow renewal ceremony complete with several of the original wedding party cast members and even a wedding cake.
It was so amazing.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to ALL who helped……and didn’t spill the beans J 
I’ve slightly digressed. 
M and I had planned a little trip to toast our 10 blissful years, and as it turns out, some of our dear friends would be toasting with us.
{Come to think of it, we did a lot of toasting that weekend.  Mmmmm.  Wine.} 
At lunch on our way outta town, we were chatting away with our friends and their sons birthday came up.  I, of course, perked right up and began grilling her on all the party details.

As it turns out, he’s a big Avengers fan.
That was all I needed to hear.
A couple of trips to the store later that week {I forgot to mention that we had the chat about his party only ONE WEEK before said party} and a rummage through my party stash, and we were ready to save the world, or whatever it is the Avengers do.
I have girls.
Sorry.  I’m clueless when it comes to superheros. 
Sadly, I forgot my camera the day of the party and was stuck taking pics with my phone.  It’s supposed to be a smartphone, it’s not.  It doesn’t take the best pics, but when it’s all you have, it’s all you have.  Sorry for the poor quality, BUT even with my crappy pics, you can still see how cute everything turned out.

Through the magic of Photoshop, I made this poster to look kinda like a comic book cover.  Look closely.  It’s the birthday boy’s face!

We grabbed lots of red, white and blue décor items from Dollar Tree.

I covered a shoe box with white butcher paper then glued on tons of small black squares to resemble and skyscraper.  We put the Avenger cast around the building.  Hulk was actually hanging from the side, and Iron Man was flying {with the help of fishing line} above.
They had the AWESOME Captain America shield.  We hung it by the front door and put out masks for the guest to wear.

Using the same graphic that is on the poster, I made these cupcake toppers.

The kids and even the parents dressed up.  It was so cute!

Thanks for letting me be a part of your party Spencer!  Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Class of 2012 Grad Party

Where does the time go??

One of the sweet little girls I used to babysit, who happens to be not so little anymore,
recently graduated high school.

I had the pleasure of being a part of her graduation party this last weekend.  The graduate is big on the equestrian scene and received a scholarship to Texas A&M, thus our party theme was obvious. 

We had this large 2’ x 3’ pic printed then mounted it and hung it above the dessert/candy bar table.

The custom invite I designed was formatted to fit inside the graduation announcements, and the colors coordinated with all the décor items.

Her favorite color is pink, so we paired that with the Texas A&M logo.  All the logo’d graphics, paper goods, décor items and slips covers were custom made by Lolligags. 

Using canvas, I made these ‘slipcovers’ for the hay bales.  I added some burlap ribbon trim and hand stenciled on the A&M logo.  The hay was on loan from a local feed store.  Can’t beat free seating!!

Using some twine and wooden clothespins, we displayed photos, artwork, awards and mementos of the graduates.

The morning of the party I picked up several bunches of pink wild flowers from a local farmers market, and put them in glass jars.  It’s a super easy, inexpensive and really pretty way to make centerpieces.

The tiered ruffled tablecloths were also made by Lolligags {more specifically my slave laborer aka my mama.  Have I mentioned how much she rocks??  Love ya mom!}  These tablecloths took over 39 yards of fabric and an equal amount of time, but the end result was totally worth it. 

We used lots of galvanized tubs for ‘coolers’.

These canvas table runners were hand stenciled and I added a little white ruffle to tie them in with the ruffled tablecloths.

We had to-go boxes available for guests to fill with candy and cupcakes as party favors.


 You can never go wrong with an assortment of delicious gourmet cupcakes.

The cupcake picks coordinated with the A&M bunting that we strung outside.

  Did I mention there was a mechanical bull!?!?

Congratulations Avery!!

We are so proud of you and wish you all the best as you prepare to take life by the horns!

{sorry. couldn't help myself.}
