Thursday, August 4, 2011

Something Blue....

I have a confession to make. I'm a PARTY GIRL. No, seriously. I'm addicted to parties. They consume my time, my money and I'm ALWAYS thinking about when I'll get to plan my next one. I could spend hours, days, weeks even, sitting at the computer getting party ideas. I think it's safe to say I'm obsessed. With that being said, I'd like to show you my latest party.

One of my bff's is getting married! Woo hoo!! Not only was I THRILLED for her when I heard the news, I was thrilled for me! I'd never gotten the chance to throw her a party before and weddings bring all kinds of parties. Engagement parties, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and then there's the wedding itself. The party possibilities really are endless.

I figured I'd better start by picking one. I decided on a bridal shower. Once that was settled the brainstorming began. Here's what I ended up with, her Something Blue Lingerie Shower:

I hosted the party at my house and had it out on our back patio. I'm REALLY anal when it comes to details and wanted EVERY.THING. to match. This meant I'd need to cover the siding with something. What did I do you may ask? Went and bought a bunch of Dollar Tree table cloths. Say what?! Yep, that's right. I got some fishing line, black and white table cloths and cup hooks, then used my HUGE upholstery needle to do a straight stitch on the short side of the table cloths at the top. After that I made loops in the end of the fishing line and hung them from the cup hooks I had screwed into the underside of the roof over hang. For 15 bucks it made an AMAZING transformation. I also made tissue paper pom poms, used black sparkly fabric cut into strips for a table runner and made tall "pillar vases" {not sure what else to call them} by gluing together glass vases and candle sticks from Dollar Tree.

The "bar"

I served Blue Lagoons and made the feather swizzle sticks.

The place cards.

My mom made these fabric flower favors. We clipped them to paper bands that went around the napkins. They can be worn in your hair, on your clothes, on a belt, etc. They turned out great! Thanks Mom :)

An old desk I redid 4EVER ago served as our gift table.

A chair I picked up for FREE at a garage sale that I did to coordinate with the desk, and my super savvy sewing friend helped me make the pillow. Spent $3 to make it! Whoop!!

I had this mirror thingy laying around and so I painted it to match, switched out some hardware and hung it above the desk. I used it to hang some necklaces on that we used for a game.

The body form held a "cigarette box" {made from a FREE postage box, black spray paint and some ribbon}. The "cigarette box" was used to hold panties for another game.

Here's a close up of the "pillar vases". I filled 'em with blue water, some blue beads and put in a floating candle.

ALL the yummy desserts! Oh, and the "Ooh La La" sign I made from a hideous old sign that had ugly birds painted on it.

And that's the party!

Turned out great and that's just what the beautiful bride-to-be deserved!

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